
I am Woman

AKA the shirt that gets a lot of comments...

This is just a plug for a very interesting and thought-provoking series written by Salvo journalist and author Robin Philips. For those of you who don't have time to read books like Wendy Shalit's A Return to Modesty or Girls Gone Mild or any other number of excellent books on modesty, gender, and the messed up sexuality of the modern day, Philips provides some great history and context, as well as dealing with many different facets of the whole shebang. It will take a little while to get through everything, but it's definitely not book length and totally worth reading. I've been tackling one a day for the past few days, and it's doable.

Robin's Readings and Reflections: Gender, Morality, and Modesty (A 6 Part Series)

Just one observation that caught my interest (from part 4: Gender Benders):
"Chivalry is unpopular today precisely because it is an emblem of masculinity among the men who practice it and an emblem of femininity among the women who receive it, even as feminine modesty reminds us that looking at a woman is different than looking at a man."

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